Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Happy Spring!!! - 9/2/13

Melbourne Mission Moments

Happy 5 Months!

"I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain..."
Happy Spring!!! Spring has finally arrived here in Australia and it is so nice. The weather has been beautiful the last few days and everyone is wearing color and the coats are gone. :) That in and of itself is enough to make my week but we also had many other things happen this week which made things great!
On Monday after P-day we went to have dinner with some members in our ward who have a farm. After dinner they showed us their 5 tiny bunnies that were just born last week. We got to hold them and they are such cute little fluff balls. Then we got to go down and feed their 2-day-old lamb from a bottle. It was SO cute! I was sitting there in my dress, wearing a big pair of gumboots, sitting on a bale of hay, holding a baby lamb. Not something I ever imagined doing on the mission but I loved it!
Feeding the baby lamb!! :) So cute!
Tuesday we got to teach Noah. He is so smart for an 8 year old. After we gave him a children's picture Book of Mormon, he was excited. He said, "Mum, can I take this to school and read it?" His mum had to explain that it probably wasn't the best idea since he goes to a Catholic school but he was excited nonetheless to start reading it. 
On Wednesday we went to see the son of our recent convert. We were able to have a formal lesson with him. Usually the first lesson we teach people is the Restoration but we really felt like we needed to focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end) It was perfect. He understood the importance of baptism and we were able to solidify that he really wanted to be baptized. He has a date set for September 14! There is a possibility it might get changed to September 21 so he can go to the Stake Youth Conference, but either way, he will be getting baptized soon which I'm really excited about! I also love seeing how happy it makes his mum, seeing her son accept the gospel. You can see the pure joy on her face. 
Thursday we had Golden Review at the mission office. It is a meeting for all the trainers and their Goldens just for more training and to review the things that they go over the first week which the Goldens hardly remember because they were all so tired from traveling. The APs called us last minute and asked Sister H and me to do a musical number at the meeting. We were pretty nervous because both of us had just gotten over a cold and we really didn't have time to prepare but we sang a medley of baptism songs from the Children's Songbook. Sister Maxwell played for us and it ended up turning out quite well.

After the meeting we went to visit the little girl who is in the hospital who had a brain tumor removed. She was doing so much better. We are really developing a good relationship with her mum and we're praying that by us showing we care, it will soften their hearts so they are ready to accept the gospel. 
Friday we went to teach a man named that is Muslim from Pakistan. I was a little nervous because I've never taught someone who is Muslim and I don't know a lot about their beliefs but it ended up going SO well! He was an absolute sponge and he asked so many questions and wanted to know so much. He LOVED the Book of Mormon and was super excited to read it. We have a return appointment with him this week and I'm really excited for it. He is awesome!
Saturday was the last day of the month and we were out of Ks so we couldn't use the car so we walked all day and did a lot of tracting. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and it was a great day. We met some great people and got some solid return appointments for this coming week. 
The work is moving along here. My companion and I get along great and we both just want to work hard so it is wonderful. We have a Zone P-day today and we are going mini-golfing which should be fun. Everyone said Australia mini-golf is way different than at home so I'm not sure what to expect but it should be fun regardless.
This transfer is going by SO quickly. We're already half way through and I feel like it just started. I love being a missionary. There is nothing better!
At the Mission President's Fireside
Being on the mission and away from my family has made me appreciate all the little things so much more. I always tell people about my family and that I have the best family ever because it's true!! Thank you for all the love, prayers and support.

Sister Baker

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