Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sister Baker, you're going back to the mainland... - 7/14/14

The Last Tassie Times

Holy moly this week has gone by so quickly! I feel like I just blinked and BAM it's gone!

Monday we went with our District to Cradle Mountain. I wish we had more time there! It was so beautiful! It was quite cold, especially for the Australians, but it was really fun. Apparently most winters there would be snow there but this winter hasn't been cold enough yet. Who knew that anywhere in Australia would get snow?
Me and Sister H at Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain
The sisters in our district on Glacier Rock
Our district

Tuesday morning we had our last district meeting of the transfer. After the meeting, we all went to the Raspberry Farm for lunch. It was so delicious and so fun to spend that time with our district. We've had a really awesome district this transfer. Later that afternoon, we went out to see E, but unfortunately, she wasn't home. We had a lesson with B, or at least tried to. That night we had dinner with our ward mission leader and his wife. We had something called Chicken Merango.  I've never heard of it before but it was really good. You should google a recipe and try it!
Waffles at Raspberry Farm - they're amazing!
Wednesday afternoon we visited a less-active woman in the ward who suffers from epilepsy. We sang "Nearer My God to Thee" to her and she was so touched. I love the power that music has to touch hearts. We had a lesson later that day with G. They invited us to stay for dinner. Hopefully they felt our love for them.

Thursday afternoon we got to stop by to see C and her kids and have a short lesson. C brought up church and said that she and J really wanted to come last week, but they didn't end up making it. Man, sometimes it's so hard to get investigators to church. Our dinner appointment Thursday night was with a single sister in the ward. We got there and she explained that she didn't really feel like cooking so she made Nachos for dinner. It was great for a change! During dinner I looked down to see what time it was and saw that it was 6:10. About 20 minutes later, I looked at my watch again and it was still 6:10! My watch battery died. Dang it.

Friday morning we spent several hours doing service for an investigator named C. We helped her tear out this massive honeysuckle bush that had completely taken over her yard. We worked on it for a solid 3 hours and were a complete mess afterwards but we loved it. We are always offering to help people with things and it was nice to finally have someone let us help them!

Saturday morning the phone rang and it was President Maxwell. He asked me to serve as a Sister Training Leader this next transfer and told me that I'd be heading up to the mainland. I was really surprised but I'm excited too! We had to do our weekly planning that morning because we hadn't done it yet, so we spent a lot of time going over the whole area book and ward list so Sister H would know about everything and everyone since I would be leaving. We went out and did some tracting later that day. We met this woman named S. We offered service and she said yes! So we ran home and changed our clothes and we helped her do some weeding for a couple of hours. As we worked, she talked about her life/religious beliefs and we were able to share a lot as well. At one point she was literally in tears. She has had a lot of big trials the past couple of years and they have really prepared her. She NEEDS the gospel.

That night we went to the Ws for dinner. J is such an incredible cook. She made a roast and mashed potatoes and gravy. It tasted like home. I am so grateful for J. I am going to miss them!

Transfer calls always come on Saturday night, but since President Maxwell had called me that morning, we were not nervous and anxious like you usually are Saturday night. We just assumed that since I was leaving, Sister H would stay and get a follow-up trainer. When the message came, we listened and were shocked to hear, "Deloraine will be closed down. Sister Baker, you're going back to the mainland. Sister H, you're getting transferred to Launceston and Sister S will be your new companion." We were absolutely shocked! I have no idea why they are closing the area, but it's true.

The Bishop announced in Sacrament meeting that we were leaving and all the members were really upset that they are not going to have missionaries here anymore. Everyone kept asking why, but we didn't really have any answers for them. Sister H and Sister S are going to continue to teach our investigators that we have here but they won't spend much time in Deloraine and won't attend the ward. It's been crazy and a whirlwind the last 36 hours. After church we spent some time packing. Later we had dinner with the Westbury Ts. I love them. They are some really awesome members here whom we are both sad to leave. However, I know that this is what Heavenly Father wants. And, I'm really excited about going back up to the mainland. I can't wait to find out who my companion will be.
Goodbyes to ward members in Deloraine

We've spent all morning packing and cleaning. We have to have the flat completely cleaned and lock it up. My flight leaves for Melbourne tonight at 6:25. Sister K is flying up as well. I'm assuming we'll probably stay at the mission home tonight and then transfer meeting is tomorrow morning!
I love our flat in Deloraine!
I love you all heaps!

Sister Baker xxx

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